Louise Campbell Wellbeing
Having MLD treatment by Louise helped me get through those initial uncomfortable days post-surgery. Louise and her magic hands always left me feeling pain-free, rejuvenated and relaxed. I felt completely at ease and looked forward to every treatment session, in a room that exuded a soothing ambience, as well as the interesting conversations we’d have. Louise is so good at what she does and as well as that, Louise felt like a long term friend! She is so lovely and despite that I hate undressing in front of anyone, Louise put me at complete ease. Highly recommended Louise to anyone requiring MLD treatment.
— Zahra Kamzi - High Wycombe
Louise Campbell has literally put me back on my feet after a course of her treatments. I will continue to depend on her for Lymphatic Drainage Therapy which has helped me to manage my condition of Secondary Lymphoedema.
— Mary Clow - Wendover
Due to a lot of stress and problems with my back I have found my weekly sessions with Louise of enormous benefit.

I have recently injured both my knees and a combination of Massage and Hivamat the pain and discomfort have eased.

Louise is a great listener and I feel very comfortable and cared for in the harmonious surroundings of her treatment room.

I leave my weekly treatments feeling uplifted and free of muscular tension.

Louise also helps me with my Nutritional needs through Kinesiology.
— Lorraine Dennis - London
Louise is warm and personable and I always look forward to our sessions.
Louise goes above and beyond to provide the very best care.
I have seen fantastic results from the treatment of Primary Lymphedema. I would not hesitate to recommend her.
— Laura - Berkhamsted